2 Ways That Preschools Ensure That Your Child's Educational And Childcare Needs Are Met

Education & Development Blog

When your child is of preschool age, it can be an excellent idea to find them a preschool child care program to attend. However, because your child is still quite young, it is important that you find a location that is going to provide your child a great learning experience, as well as one that is going to ensure that your child is going to be well cared for. This article is going to discuss 2 ways that preschools ensure that your child's educational and childcare needs are met.

Educational Activities 

Preschool is generally going to be a child's first experience in a formal educational setting. Because of this, preschools are going to be introducing almost all subjects to your child over an extended period of time and in very small increments. This is going to allow your child to begin the process of learning these different subjects, without being totally overwhelmed by them. For example, their preschool teacher will likely spend a bit of time each day teaching your child letters, reading with them, having them do different art projects, showing them new instruments, doing very simple science experiments, and otherwise exposing them to subjects that they are going to become more and more familiar with as they get further into their education. This introductory level of learning is going to do an excellent job of preparing them for kindergarten because they will not only understand the subjects, but will also be familiar with regular classroom behavior and interacting with their peers in this kind of a setting.

Nap Time And Potty Time

Your child is still going to be very young when they go to preschool, so it is important that their basic childcare needs are still met. For example, your child is likely potty trained, but may still need some help remembering when to go potty. Many preschool instructors realize this, so they not only remind your child to tell them when they need to go to the bathroom, but they also likely have a designated potty time, when all of the children are given the opportunity to go to the bathroom. Nap time is also something that is still part of most toddler's days, so this is something that is also incorporated into most preschools. Even if your child doesn't fall asleep, this gives them some quite time to rest their body and their mind, and re-energize for the rest of the day.

To learn more, contact a company like Wooden Shoe Pre-School & Pre-Kindergarten.


25 January 2017

Every Child Has Unlimited Academic Potential

I have been a volunteer tutor for over a decade now, and the only thing I dislike about it is the fact that I simply don't have the ability to help every child in the nation who is struggling in the classroom! During my time tutoring and working with many children, I have learned a lot about why children struggle in class and how to overcome those struggles. To help children and parents who I cannot tutor in person, I decided to create a blog to share my tips with parents whose children are not excelling in school. I first want to debunk the myth that the grades a children receives in class are solely dependent on their IQs. Every child truly has unlimited academic potential!